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NEW logo and rebrand

Hey gang!!

We have only gone and done a little rebrand!! So we have been so busy behind the scenes creating all new and updated book covers. While we was busy beavering away we thought - Hey! Why don't we mix it all up a little bit!!?? So we did!

Please welcome our new and re-freshed logo! I mean it's pretty similar I know but as much as we love rainbows, we thought 4 colours would be so nice to prepresent our brand and right now we're just LOVING these pastel colours. We've updated all the listings (with still some more bits to do - but we aren't super human so can only do a bit at a time). We'll create more photography too when we get chance along with some short videos etc...

We hope you love the new brand, we are so excited about it :)

Best wishes,
Anna and Anthony
aabe creative


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