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Pretty book cover designs!

We’ve been working really hard behind the scenes to update and refresh all of our products. The main thing we’ve been working on is our My Lush Planner covers. We’ve ditched the white spirals and their covers for these LUSHIOUS mint ones!! We then decided to create 9 new covers to match the spirals. We went for gorgeous pastel covers, my main inspiration was retro 80’s patterns after buying a cute shirt that week! We also had a request for some lovely watercolour covers from a customer with some quotes written on the front so I grouped them into this mint set. The spirals arrived this week and OMG they are so pretty – check them out here!! The card dividers also came this week too and they match beautifully.

The website is having an over haul (you may have noticed) and the next job on the list is to organise our notebook covers. You will be pleased to know the new My Lush Planner mint covers along with a few others will be featured on the notebooks too and won’t be exclusive to the My Lush Planners like they used to.

We are so excited by these changes so we hope you are too. Our daughter gasped when she saw the new spirals next to the new cover designs, she’s already put her order in!! She’s only 7 and has a growing collection!

Anna x

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