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All Flexi Organiser customers will receive their order in a cute pink box - But don't throw it away! Keep the box, it is a perfect storage box for any of your spare Flexi Refills.

You don't have to fill up your Flexi Organiser with pages that you are not going to use for 2 years! Unless you want to :) It all depends on how you want to use yours. After all, you can have a little bit of this, or a little bit of that, to make the most of your flexible planner.

A nice little set up could be the following Flexi Refills: half a pack of Graph Notepaper in pink, half a pack of Lined Notepaper in blue, 18 weeks of Cleaning and 18 weeks Diary pages, along with a set of Flexi Dividers & a Flexi Dashboard.

Try it out and see what works for you :)

Anna x


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